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Join the Food Bank for Tour de Turkey!

We’ve seen an unprecedented demand since 2019. This season, we anticipate that trend continuing. We will need thousands of turkeys for Larimer County families. Help us make sure everyone in our community gets a hearty holiday meal.

All the fun happens Thursday, November 21, 
6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

We have two locations this year: Drake Centre in Fort Collins and the Orchards Shopping Center in Loveland. So grab a frozen* turkey or ham and come by to experience the energy of a community working together!

Make sure they’re frozen solid so we can safely distribute them to families in need of support.

Turkey donations Food Bank for Larimer County


Download posters for display in your school building:

New Belgium Goodies for Early Birds!

The first 250 donors at both the Fort Collins and Loveland Tour de Turkey locations (see below) receive a coupon good for a 6-pack of beer at New Belgium*. We’ll also have several $50 New Belgium prize packages to give away.

Tour de Turkey Locations

Fort CollinsLoveland
Drake Centre
802 W Drake Rd.
Thursday, November 21
6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Orchards Shopping Center
261 E 29th St.
Thursday, November 21
6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Busy on November 21st?

Frozen turkeys, birds,hams, etc. can be donated to us ANYTIME (starting now) at all three FBLC locations.

Fort Collins Fresh Food Share Pantry
1301 Blue Spruce Drive
Fort Collins

Loveland Fresh Food Share Pantry
2600 N. Lincoln Avenue

Food Bank for Larimer County Administration
5706 Wright Drive

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I donate a frozen turkey before the big collection event?
Absolutely! We’re accepting frozen turkeys anytime. The three locations listed above are open for donations before the collection day.

Are you ONLY accepting turkeys? What about hams or chickens?
This is a turkey drive, but this year we’re also on the lookout for frozen hams, whole frozen chickens, other holiday main course or centerpiece food items. Our goal is to help as many households as possible enjoy their unique and special holiday meal this year. A turkey is ideal, but anything – including common side items – is a huge help. Bring what you can!

Does the turkey REALLY have to be frozen?
You bet it does! For food safety reasons, and in order to ensure safe transportation and distribution to Larimer County residents, the turkey must be frozen solid when you drop it off.

I’m unable to get there and donate a turkey. Would a financial donation help?
Financial donations are, of course, always a great way to participate if you can’t be here for the big day. Click here to offer your support.

*New Belgium coupon may be exchanged for a 6-pack of beer at New Belgium Brewery and are only available at the two Tour de Turkey drop-of locations (Drake Centre and Orchards). Restrictions apply. Must be 21+. Only 1 token will be awarded per household. Beer limited to options specified by New Belgium at time of pickup.